reede, 16. märts 2018

Mõningaid pilte/Some pictures

Eelmises postituses kirjutasin, et mõned mudelid kipuvad kahe kaupa tulema. Pildistasingi kõrvuti. Need pole identsed kaksikud, aga siiski üsna sarnased.
In the previous post I wrote that some models tend to come in pairs. So I photgraphed the two at once. These are not identical twins, yet fairly similar.
Selle topi tegin üleni triibulise, kuigi päris hea on, kui triibud on ainult ülaosas (nagu musta topi puhul).
I made this top allover in stripes, yet it looks quite good when the stripes are only in the upper part (as is in the case of the black top).
Nii et suvi võib tulla, olen valmis. Samas on mul keskküttega ruumides pigem palav ja kuue alla võiks küll panna lühikese varrukaga või ilma varrukata topi.
So summer can come as far as I am concerned. At the same time it is rather hot for my liking in spaces with central heating and I can wear a short-sleeved or a sleeveless top under the jacket.

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