Meil Kalamajas on üks kena kohvik Kursiiv. See on alles paar nädalat lahti. Väike koht nn Tallinna maja keldris, seal on 3-4 lauda, minimalistlik interjöör, saab lugeda mitmesuguseid ajakirju. Peremees pildistas mind eile minu palvel, on vastastikune reklaam, ka Instagramis.
In Kalamaja, the part of Tallinn where I live, there is a new café Kursiiv. It has been opened for only a couple of weeks. A small place in the cellar of an interwar type building, so-called Tallinn house, with 3-4 tables, minimalist design and where you can get various journals. The owner took my picture yesterday on my request, so this is mutual advertizing, check Instagram, too.
Lõng/Yarn: Paris (Drops), 50 g/75 m, ~ 400 m
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm, 4,5 mm
reede, 29. juuni 2018
kolmapäev, 27. juuni 2018
Suvised kudumid/Summer knits
Minu leedukeelse postituse motiividel. Enamik pilte on siinsetele lugejatele tuttav. Aga siis esinesid nad üksikutena, kui näitasin üht või teist kudumit. Nüüd vaatame üldistatult. Mõni inimene ei koo üldse nn suvelõngadest, nt ei meeldi puhas puuvillane, linasega ei sõbrusta jne. On selliseid, kes külmetavad kogu aeg ja ka suvel koovad villasest ja meriinost. Tunnistan, et ka mina olen suvelõngade valiku üle kurtnud, aga see puudutab Eestit, sest nt Saksamaal on mitmelt firmalt saadaval huvitavad suvelõngasegud. Ma ei talu palavust ja koon suvekudumeid suvelõngadest, aga mustrite ja konstruktsioonide asjus pole erilist vahet. Nt triibud (pean silmas reljeefseid, mitte värvilisi triipe) ei ole mingi suvine muster, aga kipun neid tekitama just suvistel kudumitel. Räägime triipudest, soonikutest ja augulistest mustritest.
Deriving from my Lithuanian-language post. Most of the pictures are familiar to the readers. But bakc then I showed single pictures to illustrate one or another knit. Now we shal generalize. Some people do not knit so-called summer yarns at all for they disclike pure cotton and have not become friends with linen etc. There are people who feel cold all the time and knit lambwool and merino in summer. I have to admit that I have been complaining over the choise of summer yarns but this concerns Estonia only because, for instance, in Germany many companies carry interesting fiber blends for summer. I hate heat and I knit summer knits from summer yarns but there is no difference as far as stitch patterns and constructions are concerned. For instance, stripes (I am referring to textured, not coloured ones) are not exactly a summer pattern but I tend to knit more stripes in summer knits. Let us talk about stripes, ribbings and mesh/eyelet patterns.
Mitmed suvelõngad "ei armasta" labast kude, isegi edasi-tagasi kududes. Koepind läheb kohe viltu. Triibud aitavad olukorda päästa (nt halli topi puhul). All on paljudele meeldinud tütre sviiter, seal ei ole triibud häda pärast, vaid ainuüksi disaini element.
Some summer yarns "dislike" stockinette even in back-and-forth knitting. The fabric is biased. Stripes help to save the situation (like was the case with the grey top). Below is my daughter's sweater, liked by many; the stripes were solely a design element and not a remedy.
Triipudega saab mängida, nt vahemaa võib erineda. Sel proovilapil (Paris, Drops, 100 % puuvill, 50 g/75 m, vardad 4 mm) on kootud esialgu 7 rida labases koes, 1 rida ripsi, 3 rida labases koes, 1 rida ripsi, 3 rida labases koes ja 1 rida ripsi.
You can play with stripes, for instance, the distance between them can alternate. In this swatch (Paris by Drops, 100 % cotton, 50g/75 m, needles 4 mm) I have 7 rows in stockinette, 1 row in garter stitch, 3 rows in stockinette, 1 row in garter stitch, 3 rows in stockinette and 1 row in garter stitch.
Soonik võib olla dekoratiivne, mitte ainult funktsionaalne. Paljude suvelõngade puhul polegi soonik elastne, see on puhtalt ilu pärast. Selle kudumi tegin kunagi linase-puuvilla segust (Line, Sandnes), rohkem siin. Siin on nii soonik kui triibud. Soonik 3 pp x 2 ph, 5 rida, 1 rida ripskoes.
Ribbing can be an embelishment and not purley functional. Many summer yarns don't "hold" ribbing, it is there just for the sake of beauty. I knitted this top once from linen-cotton blend (Line by Sandnes), more details here. Here you have both ribbing and stripes. Ribbing k3, p2 for 5 rows and 1 row in garter stitch.
Aga on ka igasuguseid soonikuid augulise mustriga. Mulle meeldib see, võib teha salli või terve topi. Lõng on puuvillane 50 g/125 m, vardad 3 mm.
There are all kind of combinations of ribbing with eyelets. I like this one, you can make an entere top in this pattern. The yarn is cotton 50 g/125 m, needles 3 mm.
Kunagi kudusime Ravelrys ka sellise topi:
Once we made this top on Ravelry:
Auke ja võrke on palju erinevaid, neist saab ilmselt eraldi postituse teha. Augustikuu Käsitöös tuleb kaks augulist rätikut. Aga siin näitan oma hiljutist lemmikut. Mul on plaanis teha sellega sall või rätik.
There are many mesh and eyelet stitches and they probably deserve a separate post. There will be two eyelet shawls in the August issue of Käsitöö. Here is my recent favourite. I want to make a shawl or a scarf in this pattern.
Olen teinud üsna palju igasuguseid võrgulisi salle ja rätikuid, neid on lõbus kududa. Siin on sama muster (tasuta õpetus Ravelrys), ainult esimesel juhul on linane lõng ja teisel mitmesuguste peenvillaste ja mohääri segu.
I have made a lot of various mesh stitch shawls and scarves, it is fun to knit them. Here is the same stithc pattern (free pattern on Ravelry) but different yarns (linen in the first case and various laceweight wool and mohair strands put together in the second).
Deriving from my Lithuanian-language post. Most of the pictures are familiar to the readers. But bakc then I showed single pictures to illustrate one or another knit. Now we shal generalize. Some people do not knit so-called summer yarns at all for they disclike pure cotton and have not become friends with linen etc. There are people who feel cold all the time and knit lambwool and merino in summer. I have to admit that I have been complaining over the choise of summer yarns but this concerns Estonia only because, for instance, in Germany many companies carry interesting fiber blends for summer. I hate heat and I knit summer knits from summer yarns but there is no difference as far as stitch patterns and constructions are concerned. For instance, stripes (I am referring to textured, not coloured ones) are not exactly a summer pattern but I tend to knit more stripes in summer knits. Let us talk about stripes, ribbings and mesh/eyelet patterns.
Mitmed suvelõngad "ei armasta" labast kude, isegi edasi-tagasi kududes. Koepind läheb kohe viltu. Triibud aitavad olukorda päästa (nt halli topi puhul). All on paljudele meeldinud tütre sviiter, seal ei ole triibud häda pärast, vaid ainuüksi disaini element.
Some summer yarns "dislike" stockinette even in back-and-forth knitting. The fabric is biased. Stripes help to save the situation (like was the case with the grey top). Below is my daughter's sweater, liked by many; the stripes were solely a design element and not a remedy.
Triipudega saab mängida, nt vahemaa võib erineda. Sel proovilapil (Paris, Drops, 100 % puuvill, 50 g/75 m, vardad 4 mm) on kootud esialgu 7 rida labases koes, 1 rida ripsi, 3 rida labases koes, 1 rida ripsi, 3 rida labases koes ja 1 rida ripsi.
You can play with stripes, for instance, the distance between them can alternate. In this swatch (Paris by Drops, 100 % cotton, 50g/75 m, needles 4 mm) I have 7 rows in stockinette, 1 row in garter stitch, 3 rows in stockinette, 1 row in garter stitch, 3 rows in stockinette and 1 row in garter stitch.
Soonik võib olla dekoratiivne, mitte ainult funktsionaalne. Paljude suvelõngade puhul polegi soonik elastne, see on puhtalt ilu pärast. Selle kudumi tegin kunagi linase-puuvilla segust (Line, Sandnes), rohkem siin. Siin on nii soonik kui triibud. Soonik 3 pp x 2 ph, 5 rida, 1 rida ripskoes.
Ribbing can be an embelishment and not purley functional. Many summer yarns don't "hold" ribbing, it is there just for the sake of beauty. I knitted this top once from linen-cotton blend (Line by Sandnes), more details here. Here you have both ribbing and stripes. Ribbing k3, p2 for 5 rows and 1 row in garter stitch.
Aga on ka igasuguseid soonikuid augulise mustriga. Mulle meeldib see, võib teha salli või terve topi. Lõng on puuvillane 50 g/125 m, vardad 3 mm.
There are all kind of combinations of ribbing with eyelets. I like this one, you can make an entere top in this pattern. The yarn is cotton 50 g/125 m, needles 3 mm.
Once we made this top on Ravelry:
Auke ja võrke on palju erinevaid, neist saab ilmselt eraldi postituse teha. Augustikuu Käsitöös tuleb kaks augulist rätikut. Aga siin näitan oma hiljutist lemmikut. Mul on plaanis teha sellega sall või rätik.
There are many mesh and eyelet stitches and they probably deserve a separate post. There will be two eyelet shawls in the August issue of Käsitöö. Here is my recent favourite. I want to make a shawl or a scarf in this pattern.
Olen teinud üsna palju igasuguseid võrgulisi salle ja rätikuid, neid on lõbus kududa. Siin on sama muster (tasuta õpetus Ravelrys), ainult esimesel juhul on linane lõng ja teisel mitmesuguste peenvillaste ja mohääri segu.
I have made a lot of various mesh stitch shawls and scarves, it is fun to knit them. Here is the same stithc pattern (free pattern on Ravelry) but different yarns (linen in the first case and various laceweight wool and mohair strands put together in the second).
esmaspäev, 25. juuni 2018
Mitmeid asju/Various matters
Täna hommikul mõtlesin, millest kirjutada, aga nüüd paistab olevat lausa mitu asja ja kõigest korraga pole tark pajatada, nii et palun kannatust. Kohtusin täna Miaga, kes üle hulga aja tuli Tallinna. Ta tõi mulle ootamatult kingituseks huvitavat puuvilla-akrüüli segu, mis on must-hall ja suhteliselt peenike. Siis tean, mida järgmisena kududa. Pildil on Mia pooleliolev rätik ja tema toodud lõng. Teen proovilapi ja kirjutan kindlasti muljeid.
Today in the morning I was pondering about my next post but now it seems that there are actually several topics to cover and it seems unwise to reveal everything in one post, so please bear with me. We met up with Mia who came to Tallinn after quite a while. She brought me a surprise present, some interesting cotton-acrylic blend that is black and grey and relatively thin. So I know what my next knit will be. In the picture you see Mia's shawl in progress and the yarn she brought me. I will swatch and definitely write my impressions.
Nagu näete, sinna hulka on ära eksinud minu linane proovilapp. Leedukeelne postitus Mados garažas (Diteksas) poe lehel on juba ilmunud, varsti kirjutan ka eesti keeles. Tundub, et tean, mida selle mustriga kududa.
As you can see my linen swatch is accidentally lost among these items. The Lithuanian-language post for Mados garažas (Diteksas) site has already appeared and I will soon write about it in English. I probably know what to make with this pattern.
Kas nori skaityti lietuviškai apie vasaros mezginius, prašau.
Traditsiooniline pilt ka. Must topp sai valmis, paremad pildid hiljem.
And a traditional picture, too. The black top is finished and I will post better pictures later.
Today in the morning I was pondering about my next post but now it seems that there are actually several topics to cover and it seems unwise to reveal everything in one post, so please bear with me. We met up with Mia who came to Tallinn after quite a while. She brought me a surprise present, some interesting cotton-acrylic blend that is black and grey and relatively thin. So I know what my next knit will be. In the picture you see Mia's shawl in progress and the yarn she brought me. I will swatch and definitely write my impressions.
Nagu näete, sinna hulka on ära eksinud minu linane proovilapp. Leedukeelne postitus Mados garažas (Diteksas) poe lehel on juba ilmunud, varsti kirjutan ka eesti keeles. Tundub, et tean, mida selle mustriga kududa.
As you can see my linen swatch is accidentally lost among these items. The Lithuanian-language post for Mados garažas (Diteksas) site has already appeared and I will soon write about it in English. I probably know what to make with this pattern.
Kas nori skaityti lietuviškai apie vasaros mezginius, prašau.
Traditsiooniline pilt ka. Must topp sai valmis, paremad pildid hiljem.
And a traditional picture, too. The black top is finished and I will post better pictures later.
laupäev, 23. juuni 2018
Üks asi viib teiseni/One thing leads to another
Kui hakkasin kavandama oma postituse Diteksase poeblogi jaoks, küsisin Maiult lõngajääke proovilappideks, sest mul pole eriti suvelõngu ja need, mis on, on mustad. Teada värk. Muuhulgas sain Dropsi Paris-lõnga, puuvillane 50 g/75 m. Tegin sellest proovilapi (eelmise postituse esimene pilt) ja siis tekkis tahtmine sellest kududa. Hankisingi ja alustasin eile toppi. Väga mõnus ja muretu kudumine.
I purchased some and started a top yesterday. A rather pleasant and unproblematic knitting.When I started planning my post for the Ditekas store blog, I asked Maiu for some leftovers to make swatches because I don't have many summer yarns and those I have are black. You know me. Among other things she gave me Paris (by Drops), cotton 50 g/75 g. I made a swatch from this (the fist picture of the previous post) and then I felt like knitting something from it.
Rätik on valmis, niikaua aga näitan "saba". Augustikuises Käistöös saab näha.
The shawl is finished and so far I am showing the "tail". It will apper in the August issue of Käsitöö.
I purchased some and started a top yesterday. A rather pleasant and unproblematic knitting.When I started planning my post for the Ditekas store blog, I asked Maiu for some leftovers to make swatches because I don't have many summer yarns and those I have are black. You know me. Among other things she gave me Paris (by Drops), cotton 50 g/75 g. I made a swatch from this (the fist picture of the previous post) and then I felt like knitting something from it.
Rätik on valmis, niikaua aga näitan "saba". Augustikuises Käistöös saab näha.
The shawl is finished and so far I am showing the "tail". It will apper in the August issue of Käsitöö.
neljapäev, 21. juuni 2018
Paar proovilappi ja rätik/A couple of swatches and the shawl
Tegin veel paar proovilappi, varsti tuleb postitus suviste kudumite ja mustrite kohta.
I've done a couple of more swatchis and soon there will be a post about summer knits and patterns.
Kõigest räägin hiljem üksikasjalikult. Rätikus on kombineeritud 2 lõnga.
Later I will write about everything with more details. I combined 2 yarns in the shawl.
I've done a couple of more swatchis and soon there will be a post about summer knits and patterns.
Kõigest räägin hiljem üksikasjalikult. Rätikus on kombineeritud 2 lõnga.
Later I will write about everything with more details. I combined 2 yarns in the shawl.
Aade lõng,
Angora 2,
teisipäev, 19. juuni 2018
Tegemisi/What is going on
Näitan veel ühe rätiku "saba", see on praegu töös. Õpetus ilmub Käsitöö augusti numbris.
I am demonstrating the "tail" of yet another shawl I am working on now. The pattern will appear in the August issue of Käsitöö.
Koon nüüd ka mõned proovilapid, et näidata hiljem suviste kudumite postituses (rohkem juttu siin postituse lõpus). Selle mustri leidsin kusagilt internetist juba ammu, aga alles nüüd jõudsin proovida. Väga mõnus muster. Proovilapp on Midara linasest, aga saab teha ka peenvillasest või nn fingering weight villasest (vastavalt Aade Lõng villane 8/1 ja ilmselt ka 8/2 oleks sobi).
I am making some swatches in order to show in my blogpost on summer knits (more here in the end of the post). I found this pattern quite a while ago on the internet but got my hands on it only now. What a delightful pattern! The swatch is from Midara linen but it would be suitable also for laceweight or fingering weight wool (Raasiku factory Aade Lõng wool 8/1 and probably 8/2, respectively).
Peab mõtlema, kuidas sobitada mustrisse kasvatused ja kahandused, et võiks teha igasuguse kujuga rätikuid.
I have to think how to fit increases and decreases into the stitch pattern in order to make shawls with different shapes.
I am demonstrating the "tail" of yet another shawl I am working on now. The pattern will appear in the August issue of Käsitöö.
Koon nüüd ka mõned proovilapid, et näidata hiljem suviste kudumite postituses (rohkem juttu siin postituse lõpus). Selle mustri leidsin kusagilt internetist juba ammu, aga alles nüüd jõudsin proovida. Väga mõnus muster. Proovilapp on Midara linasest, aga saab teha ka peenvillasest või nn fingering weight villasest (vastavalt Aade Lõng villane 8/1 ja ilmselt ka 8/2 oleks sobi).
I am making some swatches in order to show in my blogpost on summer knits (more here in the end of the post). I found this pattern quite a while ago on the internet but got my hands on it only now. What a delightful pattern! The swatch is from Midara linen but it would be suitable also for laceweight or fingering weight wool (Raasiku factory Aade Lõng wool 8/1 and probably 8/2, respectively).
Peab mõtlema, kuidas sobitada mustrisse kasvatused ja kahandused, et võiks teha igasuguse kujuga rätikuid.
I have to think how to fit increases and decreases into the stitch pattern in order to make shawls with different shapes.
Aade lõng,
mustrid/stitch patterns,
pühapäev, 17. juuni 2018
Veel üks klassikaline topp/Another classical top
See topp sai valmis kunagi kevadel, aga alles nüüd saime mahti pildistada (Külli, tänan pildi eest!).
This top was finished probably in spring but it is only now there was an opportunity to photograph it (Külli, thanks for the picture).
Linane rätik on valmis; kuna see peaks ilmuma Käsitöö augusti numbris, näitan praegu ainult "saba".
The linen shawl is finished and since it will appear in the August issue of Käsitöö, I am showing only the "tail".
Kuu lõpuks tuleb jälle Diteksase (Mados garažas) poeblogi postitus, teema on suvised kudumid. Kirjutan midagi ka siia eesti ja inglise keeles.
In the end of the month I am going to write another blogpost for Diteksas (Mados garažas) yarn store, the topic being summer knits. I will also write something here in Estonian and English.
Menėsio pabaigoje parašysiu eilinę postą Mados garažui, tema bus vasrini mezginiai.
This top was finished probably in spring but it is only now there was an opportunity to photograph it (Külli, thanks for the picture).
Linane rätik on valmis; kuna see peaks ilmuma Käsitöö augusti numbris, näitan praegu ainult "saba".
The linen shawl is finished and since it will appear in the August issue of Käsitöö, I am showing only the "tail".
Kuu lõpuks tuleb jälle Diteksase (Mados garažas) poeblogi postitus, teema on suvised kudumid. Kirjutan midagi ka siia eesti ja inglise keeles.
In the end of the month I am going to write another blogpost for Diteksas (Mados garažas) yarn store, the topic being summer knits. I will also write something here in Estonian and English.
Menėsio pabaigoje parašysiu eilinę postą Mados garažui, tema bus vasrini mezginiai.
reede, 15. juuni 2018
Suveklassika/Summer classics
Näitan topi pilte. Piltide autor Maiu, suur tänu.
Here are some pictures of the top. Pics by Maiu, many thanks.
Lõng/Yarn: Egitto (Titan Wool, 100 % puuvill/cotton, 50 g/120 m), ~550 m.
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm, 3 mm
Here are some pictures of the top. Pics by Maiu, many thanks.
Lõng/Yarn: Egitto (Titan Wool, 100 % puuvill/cotton, 50 g/120 m), ~550 m.
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm, 3 mm
kolmapäev, 13. juuni 2018
Vahepeal sain 3 päevaga valmis lihtsa topi.
Meanwhile I have finished a simple top in 3 days.
Paremad pildid tulevad kunagi hiljem. Aga nüüd alustasin sirbikujulist rätikut Leedu linasest (seekord Midara vabriku omast).
Better pictures will come later. Now I started a sickle-shaped sahwl from Lithuanian linen (this time manufactured by Midara factory).
Meanwhile I have finished a simple top in 3 days.
Paremad pildid tulevad kunagi hiljem. Aga nüüd alustasin sirbikujulist rätikut Leedu linasest (seekord Midara vabriku omast).
Better pictures will come later. Now I started a sickle-shaped sahwl from Lithuanian linen (this time manufactured by Midara factory).
esmaspäev, 11. juuni 2018
Stockholmi rätik nr 2/Stockholm shawl no 2
Mõnel on ehk meeles rätik nr 1 (õpetus tuleb enne Stockholmi käsitöö kruiisi, sellepärast selline nimi). Nüüd on valmis teine, seekord üks lõng on linase ja mohääri segu ja teine sama, mis esimese rätiku puhul, aga teist värvi. Asi oli selles, et Mariannel (Marianne's Mohair) ei olnud rohkem seda värvi linase ja mohääri segu, nii et alustasin ühe lõngaga ja jätkasin teisega.
Maybe some of you remember shawl no 1 (the pattern will be released before Stockholm handicraft cruise, hence the name). Now the second one is finished and this time one of the yarns is mohair-linen blend and the other one the same as in the first shawl but in a different colour. The thing is that Marianne (of Marianne's Mohair) did not have more mohair-linen blend in the same colour, so I started with one yarn and continued with the other.
Mulle meeldib see muster, sobib praktiliselt igale lõngale, on hõlpsasti mugandatav (nt võib "veergude" vahele panna pahempidiseid silmuseid või ripsi jms).
I quite like this stitch pattern, it is compatible with virtually any yarn and is easily adjustable (you can insert purl or garter stitch between the "columns").
Lõng/Yarn: Linen Mix (Adèle's Mohair) 2 tokki/2 balls, Fine Kid Mohair & Bamboo (Adèle's Mohair) 1 tokk/1 ball (~450 m).
Vardad/Needles: 5 mm
Maybe some of you remember shawl no 1 (the pattern will be released before Stockholm handicraft cruise, hence the name). Now the second one is finished and this time one of the yarns is mohair-linen blend and the other one the same as in the first shawl but in a different colour. The thing is that Marianne (of Marianne's Mohair) did not have more mohair-linen blend in the same colour, so I started with one yarn and continued with the other.
Mulle meeldib see muster, sobib praktiliselt igale lõngale, on hõlpsasti mugandatav (nt võib "veergude" vahele panna pahempidiseid silmuseid või ripsi jms).
I quite like this stitch pattern, it is compatible with virtually any yarn and is easily adjustable (you can insert purl or garter stitch between the "columns").
Lõng/Yarn: Linen Mix (Adèle's Mohair) 2 tokki/2 balls, Fine Kid Mohair & Bamboo (Adèle's Mohair) 1 tokk/1 ball (~450 m).
Vardad/Needles: 5 mm
laupäev, 9. juuni 2018
Jakk on valmis/The cardi is finished
Nüüd on jakk valmis, näitan pilte. Väga ilus koepind minu arust.
Now the cardi is completed, here are some pictures. I think the fabric is rather nice.
Lõng/Yarn: linane/linen (Siūlas, 100 g/450 m), ~ 500 g (kahekordselt/held double), suurus/size XL
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm
Now the cardi is completed, here are some pictures. I think the fabric is rather nice.
Lõng/Yarn: linane/linen (Siūlas, 100 g/450 m), ~ 500 g (kahekordselt/held double), suurus/size XL
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm
neljapäev, 7. juuni 2018
Natuke uudiseid/Some news
Esimene uudis, et linane jakk on valmis ja kuivab. Lõpetasin eile hommikul, niisutasin ja pingutasin, on veel niiske. Näitan pilte hiljem, kui on ära kuivanud ja lõngaotsad ära peidetud.
The first piece of news is that the linen cardi is finished and drying. I finished it yesterday in the morning and blocked and it is still moist. I will show pictures later once it will have dried and the ends woven in.
Nagu näete, rätik edeneb. Alustasin just kolmandat tokki. Sellega on kõik selge, paari päeva töö.
As you can see, the shawl is growing. I have just started the third ball of yarn. No problems here, just a couple of days to knit on.
Teine uudis, et nüüd kirjutan paar korda kuus Vilniuse lõngapoe Mados Garažas (aka Diteksas) blogi. Mul on leedu lugejaid, mõni ei oska inglise keelt, siis võib lugeda leedu keeles. Postitus on siin. Kes leedu keelt ei oska, saate piltide järgi aru, millest jutt on. Mados Garažas Facebooki leht on siin. Postitus sai üsna mitu korda jagatud ja sain oma Facebooki lehele mitu leedu lugejat juurde!
Another piece of news is that from now on I am writing blog posts a couple of times a months for the store Mados Garažas (aka Diteksas) in Vilnius. I have some Lithuanian readers and some of them do not read English, so there is something in Lithuanian. My first post is here. For those who don't know Lihtuanian, you can guess from the pictures what I am writing about. Mados Garažas has Facebook page here. The post has been shared several times and my Facebook page got some neew Lithuanian followers.
Naujena: pradėjau bendradarbiauti su Mados Garažu (Diteksu) ir rašysiu tinklaraštį pora kartų per mėnėsį. Turiu lietuviškių skaitytojų, tarp jų yra ir angliškai nemokančių, tai dabar galima skaityti ir lietuviškai. Mano įrašas yra čia, o Mados Garažo Facebooko tinklapis čia. Daug kartų mano įrašu pasidalino ir dėl to gavau keletus naujų skaitytojų.
The first piece of news is that the linen cardi is finished and drying. I finished it yesterday in the morning and blocked and it is still moist. I will show pictures later once it will have dried and the ends woven in.
Nagu näete, rätik edeneb. Alustasin just kolmandat tokki. Sellega on kõik selge, paari päeva töö.
As you can see, the shawl is growing. I have just started the third ball of yarn. No problems here, just a couple of days to knit on.
Teine uudis, et nüüd kirjutan paar korda kuus Vilniuse lõngapoe Mados Garažas (aka Diteksas) blogi. Mul on leedu lugejaid, mõni ei oska inglise keelt, siis võib lugeda leedu keeles. Postitus on siin. Kes leedu keelt ei oska, saate piltide järgi aru, millest jutt on. Mados Garažas Facebooki leht on siin. Postitus sai üsna mitu korda jagatud ja sain oma Facebooki lehele mitu leedu lugejat juurde!
Another piece of news is that from now on I am writing blog posts a couple of times a months for the store Mados Garažas (aka Diteksas) in Vilnius. I have some Lithuanian readers and some of them do not read English, so there is something in Lithuanian. My first post is here. For those who don't know Lihtuanian, you can guess from the pictures what I am writing about. Mados Garažas has Facebook page here. The post has been shared several times and my Facebook page got some neew Lithuanian followers.
Naujena: pradėjau bendradarbiauti su Mados Garažu (Diteksu) ir rašysiu tinklaraštį pora kartų per mėnėsį. Turiu lietuviškių skaitytojų, tarp jų yra ir angliškai nemokančių, tai dabar galima skaityti ir lietuviškai. Mano įrašas yra čia, o Mados Garažo Facebooko tinklapis čia. Daug kartų mano įrašu pasidalino ir dėl to gavau keletus naujų skaitytojų.
teisipäev, 5. juuni 2018
Rätikute vabrik/Shawl factory
Läheb lahti rätikute kudumiseks! Praegu on mul käsil veel üks rätik sügisese Stockholmi käsitöökruiisi jaoks. Marianne's Mohair firma teeb komplekte, kooskudumine algab ilmselt augustis, pärast on õpetus kättesaadav kõigile soovijatele.
It is all about shawl knitting! Right now one more shawl for the Stockholm handicraft cruise is on my needles. Marianne's Mohair company is putting together kits and KAL will aparently start in August; after that the pattern will be available to everyone.
Seekord on mul 2 tokki mohääri ja linase segu ja üks tokk lurexiga mohääri (nagu eelmine kord, aga teist värvi). Plaanis on veel üks või kaks rätikut Käsitöö ajakirjale, aga täpsemalt veel ei räägi.
This time I have 2 balls of mohair-linen blend and one ball of mohair with lurex (as in the previous case but a different colour). I also have plans to make one or two shawls for the Käistöö magazine but cannot go into details now.
It is all about shawl knitting! Right now one more shawl for the Stockholm handicraft cruise is on my needles. Marianne's Mohair company is putting together kits and KAL will aparently start in August; after that the pattern will be available to everyone.
Seekord on mul 2 tokki mohääri ja linase segu ja üks tokk lurexiga mohääri (nagu eelmine kord, aga teist värvi). Plaanis on veel üks või kaks rätikut Käsitöö ajakirjale, aga täpsemalt veel ei räägi.
This time I have 2 balls of mohair-linen blend and one ball of mohair with lurex (as in the previous case but a different colour). I also have plans to make one or two shawls for the Käistöö magazine but cannot go into details now.
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