Nüüd sõidan jälle välismaale ja vahepeal ei pruugi siin kirjutada. Tagasi jõuan järgmise nädala alguseks. Aga koon ikka. Mohääri on mugav reisile kaasa võtta, võtab vähe ruumi. Seda enam, et mul on üks mohääritellimus. Tellija värvimaitse on minu omaga üsna sarnane. Sellest tuleb kõrge kraega tuunika, muster tuleb ka.
I am going abroad today and probably will not post here. I will be back at the beginning of the next week. But I am knitting. Mohair is suitable for taking along on a trip, it takes little space. What's more, I have a mohair order. The colour taste of the client is very similar to mine. It will be a turtle-neck tunic and there will be a lace pattern, too.
Varsti saab eraldada varrukad ja siis algabki muster.
Soon I will separate the sleeves and the lace pattern will start.
teisipäev, 31. august 2010
pühapäev, 29. august 2010
Rätik on valmis. Ma ei pingutanud eriti, lõng on üsna pehme, ei tahtnud venitada. Pildid, kus figureerin ise, on Anu tehtud (suur tänu!), ülejäänud on minu klõpsatused.
The shawl is finished. I did not block it too much because the yarn is rather soft, I did not want to stretch it. The pictures where I am modeling are by Anu (thank you!), the rest are by me.
Keldris on üks klaasipood, kus müüakse klaasist ehteid. Neid jäin uudistama:
There is a glass shop in the cellar where glass jewelry is offered. I became curious about this:
Lõng/Yarn: Sivilla Wetterhoff, 70 % vill/wool, 30 % siid/slik, 50 g/250 m
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm
Üldiseid tähelepanekuid: kujutan ette, et selline rätik oleks hea jõulisemast lõngast. Jõuline ei tähenda jäme. Kasvõi Aade Lõng 8/1 (100 g/800 m). Aga pole välistatud ka Elotroi (100 g/360 m) ja muidugi Aade Lõng 8/2 (100 g/400 m), kõik puhtvillased. Miks ma seda räägin? Tahaks, et ripskoes osa oleks reljeefne.
General considerations: I imagine that such a shawl would be nice in a yarn that yields a more defined fabric. More defined does not mean thick. For instance, Aade Lõng 8/1 (100 g/800 m). Elotroi (100 g/360 m) and of course Aade Lõng 8/2 (100 g/400 m) are also an option, all pure wool. Why I am saying this? I would like the garter stitch part to have more 3D effect.
The shawl is finished. I did not block it too much because the yarn is rather soft, I did not want to stretch it. The pictures where I am modeling are by Anu (thank you!), the rest are by me.
Keldris on üks klaasipood, kus müüakse klaasist ehteid. Neid jäin uudistama:
There is a glass shop in the cellar where glass jewelry is offered. I became curious about this:
Üks tugitoolipilt.
Somewhere in the old town.
Keskmine silmus.
The central stitch.
The stitch pattern that you have seen many times.
And a window picture, of course.
Lõng/Yarn: Sivilla Wetterhoff, 70 % vill/wool, 30 % siid/slik, 50 g/250 m
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm
Üldiseid tähelepanekuid: kujutan ette, et selline rätik oleks hea jõulisemast lõngast. Jõuline ei tähenda jäme. Kasvõi Aade Lõng 8/1 (100 g/800 m). Aga pole välistatud ka Elotroi (100 g/360 m) ja muidugi Aade Lõng 8/2 (100 g/400 m), kõik puhtvillased. Miks ma seda räägin? Tahaks, et ripskoes osa oleks reljeefne.
General considerations: I imagine that such a shawl would be nice in a yarn that yields a more defined fabric. More defined does not mean thick. For instance, Aade Lõng 8/1 (100 g/800 m). Elotroi (100 g/360 m) and of course Aade Lõng 8/2 (100 g/400 m) are also an option, all pure wool. Why I am saying this? I would like the garter stitch part to have more 3D effect.
mustrid/stitch patterns,
laupäev, 28. august 2010
Väga hall lugu/A very grey story
Alustame kaugemalt. Eile käis Tallinnas Kaja, kellega võimaluse korral alati koome koos.
Let us start from afar. Yesterday Kaja came to Tallinn and we always use an opportunity to knit together.
Ostsime kahasse ühe vihi Raasiku sinilillat. Kerisime juba valmis. Pilt on tehtud Kehrwiederi kohvikus. Veel on pildil Jõgeva pruunikat üleminekulõnga, millest Kaja hakkas midagi kuduma, ja õun Kaja aiast:
We bought a skein of Raasiku (Aade Lõng) blue-purple variegated yarn. We already wound it into balls. The picture is taken at Kehrwieder café. You can also see a ball of Jõgeva brownish variegated yarn (Evilla), which Kaja started knitting, and an apple from her garden:
Nii me kudusime ja äkki avastasin, et mul pole kuigi palju lõnga järel. Veel üleeile arutasin, et ei taha liiga suurt rätikut, hakkan lõpetama, ja kui lõnga jääb üle, las jääb. Lõng on Sivilla Wetterhoff, mida Eestis ei müüda. Tõsi küll, lähen septembris Soome ja võin sealt tuua, aga ainult äärepitsi pärast ei ole kuigi tark tahta tervet vihti mitte eriti odavat lõnga. Mõtlesin, et vaatan kodus.
So we knitted and suddenly I realized that I don't have much yarn left. Only the other day I wrote that I don't want it to be a huge shawl, I am starting to finish and if some yarn will remain, let it be. The yarn is Sivilla Wetterhoff that no store in Estonia carries. Of course I am going to Finland in September and can purchase some but only because of the finishing it is not wise to purchase a whole skein of not a very cheap yarn. I decided to look at home.
Need, kes tunnevad mind, hakkavad hirmsasti naerma, aga sobivat halli ei leidunud. Minu hall on pisut sinaka varjundiga. Koostise poolest sobiks kõige paremini Teetee Primavera (samuti villa ja siidi segu), aga värv on helehall. Mohäärijäägid on kas liiga tumedad või liiga heledad. Sama lugu on Teetee Pallase ja Regia sokilõngaga. Lana Grossa Manu on teist värvi ja hoopis teise faktuuriga.
Need, kes tunnevad mind, hakkavad hirmsasti naerma, aga sobivat halli ei leidunud. Minu hall on pisut sinaka varjundiga. Koostise poolest sobiks kõige paremini Teetee Primavera (samuti villa ja siidi segu), aga värv on helehall. Mohäärijäägid on kas liiga tumedad või liiga heledad. Sama lugu on Teetee Pallase ja Regia sokilõngaga. Lana Grossa Manu on teist värvi ja hoopis teise faktuuriga.
Those who know me will certainly laugh out loudly but there was no suitable shade of grey. My grey has some blueish undertone. From the fiber composition point of view Teetee Primavera (also a wool-silk blend) would be the best but its colour is light grey. The remaining mohair is either too dark or two light. The same goes for Teetee Pallas and Regia sock yarn. Lana Grossa Manu has a different shade and would yield a completely different fabric.
Käisin läbi mitu Tallinna lõngapoodi, midagi ei leidnud. Muidugi võib öelda, et saaks ühe mustrikorra harutada ja siis äärepitsi teha, aga seda ma ei taha, kuna mõte oli just see, et viimane mustririba on laiem ja seal on 3 mustrikorda. Siis mõtlesin, et ei pea tingimata olema äärepits, võib lõpetada kuidagi teisiti.
I visited several yarnshops in Tallinn with no result. Of course one can suggest frogging one pattern repeat and then to start the lace edge but I don't want to because the whole idea was that the last lace section would be wider and have 3 lace pattern repeat. Then I decided that the lace edge is not obligatory and I can finish differently.
Thus, the edge is simple: small eyelets and garter stitch.
And here is the remaining piece of yarn.
Seega kudumisprobleemid ei pruugi olla ainult tehnilised (kalkuleerimine, mis lõng mis mustriga sobib, kus kasvatama hakata jms). Minu lahendus pole vist kõige kehvem. Nõnda lõppes see dramaatiline lugu. Päris lõpuni ei olnud kindel, kas saan maha kududa. Nüüd teen märjaks ja pingutan kergelt. Loodetavasti saab homme juba korralikult pildistada.
Thus, knitting problems are not always purely technical (how to calculate, what yarn for what pattern, where to start increases etc). Probably, my solution was not the worst. This is the end of the dramatic story. Until the very end I was not sure whether I would be able to cast off. Now I will moisten it and slightly block. Hopefully, tomorrow there will be proper pictures.
neljapäev, 26. august 2010
Mõõdan/I measure
Rätiku või salli on sellepärast hea kududa, et mõõt ei ole kriitiline. Sellegipoolest tekkis mul uudishimu ja tunne, et ma ei taha üüratult suurt rätikut. Mõtlesin, et kannaks seda kasvõi mõne jaki või kuuega pigem kaunistuseks. Suure rätiku teeks endale hoopis teisest lõngast. Nii et esiteks võrdlesin samast lõngast kootud Sivilla-nimelise rätikuga, millele kulus täpselt 3 tokki , teiseks võtsin mõõdulindi kätte, et vaadata konkreetselt.
The reason why it is nice to knit a shawl or a scarf is that measurements are not critical. Nevertheless I became curious and got the feeling that I don't want my shawl to be very large. I thought I would wear it with a cardigan of with a suit jacket rather like a decorative element. I would knit a big shawl for myself from entirely different yarn. Thus, fist, I compared this shawl to another shawl Sivilla from the very same yarn, which required 3 skeins; second, I took the measuring tape in order to get a precise measure.
Vardad pole piisavalt pikad, et rätik sirgeks tõmmata, pealegi pole seda veel pingutatud. Nii et on umbes 60 cm mööda keskjoont.
My needles are not long enough to straighten the shawl, besides, it has not yet been blocked. So you see approximately 60 cm from the middle of the neck along the central stitch column.
The reason why it is nice to knit a shawl or a scarf is that measurements are not critical. Nevertheless I became curious and got the feeling that I don't want my shawl to be very large. I thought I would wear it with a cardigan of with a suit jacket rather like a decorative element. I would knit a big shawl for myself from entirely different yarn. Thus, fist, I compared this shawl to another shawl Sivilla from the very same yarn, which required 3 skeins; second, I took the measuring tape in order to get a precise measure.
Vardad pole piisavalt pikad, et rätik sirgeks tõmmata, pealegi pole seda veel pingutatud. Nii et on umbes 60 cm mööda keskjoont.
My needles are not long enough to straighten the shawl, besides, it has not yet been blocked. So you see approximately 60 cm from the middle of the neck along the central stitch column.
Here is a more general view.
The central stitch:
Paistab, et nüüd on see aeg, kui tuleb viimane laiem mustririba ja seejärel äär, ilmselt ripskoes.
Paistab, et nüüd on see aeg, kui tuleb viimane laiem mustririba ja seejärel äär, ilmselt ripskoes.
It appears that now the time has come to knit the last lace section that will be wider and then the edge, probably, in garter.
Nüüd aga midagi muud. Mulle meeldib vaadata poodides kudumeid ja arutleda, kuidas ise kooksin jms. Samuti saab häid mõtteid. Nüüd Vero Modas on väljas uued asjad, nende hulgas mõned kudumid. See on vest. Vestile ma niisugust mustrit ei tahaks (vähemalt enda puhul mitte ja mitte põhimustrina), aga rätiku jms jaoks on täitsa hea mõte.
Nüüd aga midagi muud. Mulle meeldib vaadata poodides kudumeid ja arutleda, kuidas ise kooksin jms. Samuti saab häid mõtteid. Nüüd Vero Modas on väljas uued asjad, nende hulgas mõned kudumid. See on vest. Vestile ma niisugust mustrit ei tahaks (vähemalt enda puhul mitte ja mitte põhimustrina), aga rätiku jms jaoks on täitsa hea mõte.
Now something different. I like to look at knitwear in shops and to ponder how I would knit etc. Also one gets good ideas. Now Vero Moda has a new collection on display, including some knitwear. It is a vest. I would not imagine such a stitch pattern for a vest (at least, not for myself and not as the main pattern) but it would be nice for a shawl.
teisipäev, 24. august 2010
Jätkan rätikut. Ei saa öelda, et olen väga palju kudunud, sest vahepeal oli muid asjatoimetusi. Muster meeldib mulle, koon hea meelega.
I keep on knitting the shawl. I cannot say that I have knitted a lot, since there were other obligations. I like the stitch pattern and knit it with pleasure.
Siit on näha, et mul on tehtud 3 mustritriipu, pooleli on kolmas sile triip. Nüüd on silmuseid vardal parajalt palju, read on pikad.
You can see that I have 3 stripes of the lace pattern and the third stockinette portion has been started. Now there are quite a lot of stitches on the needles and the rows are rather long.
Tahaks lõpu poole pikemat mustritriipu. Äär tuleb ilmselt ripskoes ja laineline.
I would like a bigger lace section towards the end. The morder will probably be in garter stitch and somewhat ruffled.
I keep on knitting the shawl. I cannot say that I have knitted a lot, since there were other obligations. I like the stitch pattern and knit it with pleasure.
Siit on näha, et mul on tehtud 3 mustritriipu, pooleli on kolmas sile triip. Nüüd on silmuseid vardal parajalt palju, read on pikad.
You can see that I have 3 stripes of the lace pattern and the third stockinette portion has been started. Now there are quite a lot of stitches on the needles and the rows are rather long.
Tahaks lõpu poole pikemat mustritriipu. Äär tuleb ilmselt ripskoes ja laineline.
I would like a bigger lace section towards the end. The morder will probably be in garter stitch and somewhat ruffled.
pühapäev, 22. august 2010
Kodus/At home
Eile õhtul jõudsin koju. Näitan, mida alustasin neljapäeval:
Yesterday in the evening I got home. Here is what I started on Thursday:
Vahelduse mõttes üks rätik.
A shawl for a change.
Ja kodus ootas mind Käsitöö värske number.
The fresh issue of the Käsitöö magazine was awaiting me when I came.
Seal on 5 minu disaini, küllap on blogi ja Ravelry järgi tuttavad. Ehted ja muud riided ei ole minu tehtud.
There are 5 designs by me; sure they are familiar from my blog and Ravelry. Jewelry and other garments are not by me.
Lilla variatsioon:
Vesihall lehesall:
Kui mitte arvestada Ravelry ja TT kodulehel avaldatud õpetusi, siis see on mu esimene kudumisalane publikatsioon. Käsitöö toimetus on olnud sõbralik ja lahke minu vastu. Tänan!
Yesterday in the evening I got home. Here is what I started on Thursday:
Vahelduse mõttes üks rätik.
A shawl for a change.
Ja kodus ootas mind Käsitöö värske number.
The fresh issue of the Käsitöö magazine was awaiting me when I came.
Seal on 5 minu disaini, küllap on blogi ja Ravelry järgi tuttavad. Ehted ja muud riided ei ole minu tehtud.
There are 5 designs by me; sure they are familiar from my blog and Ravelry. Jewelry and other garments are not by me.
Lilla variatsioon:
Vesihall lehesall:
Kui mitte arvestada Ravelry ja TT kodulehel avaldatud õpetusi, siis see on mu esimene kudumisalane publikatsioon. Käsitöö toimetus on olnud sõbralik ja lahke minu vastu. Tänan!
If Ravelry and TT homepage patterns are not counted, this is my first knitting desgin publication. The editorial board of Käsitöö has been nice and friendly to me. Thank you!
reede, 20. august 2010
Linaminimalism/Linen minimalism
Eile oli kudumisklubi jälle koos. Nagu näha, kõik on ametis! Ülemise pildi tegi minu palvel Jurgita. Aitäh!
Yesterday the knitting club came together. As you can see, everybody is busy. The first picture was taken by Jurgita on my request. Thank you! Ačiu labai!
Nüüd näitan oma kudumit nagu lubatud:
I can combine it with several gaments: wraps, shawls or with another top.
Vedas, et lausa poe ees on nii suurepärane pildistamistaust!
Vedas, et lausa poe ees on nii suurepärane pildistamistaust!
We are lucky that right in front of the store there is such a wonderful background for photoshooting!
Lõngakulu/Yarn used up: 120 g.
Vardad/Needles: 2 mm, 2,5 mm.
Pildid/Pictures: Sonata (ačiu!)
Lina tootja kohta tean niipalju, et see asub Biržais, Põhja-Leedus. Metraaž jms jääb selgusetuks.
As for the producer of the yarn, I know that it is situated in Biržai, Northern Lithuania. How many metres per 100 g, remains unknown.
Juba homme sõidan koju. Neli nädalat on pikk aeg. Tänan kudumisklubi liikmeid sõbralikkuse eest!
Tomorrow I travel back home. Four weeks is a long period of time. I am grateful to the members of the meeting club for their kindness!
Labai ačiu visiems už draugišką priemimą! Iki pasimatymo!
neljapäev, 19. august 2010
Mõningaid pilte/Some pictures
Näitan mõningaid pilte. Eile lõpetasin, pesin ära, kuivas ära hästi ruttu. Tõepoolest, pärast pesemist muutus koepind pehmeks ja kenasti langevaks. Huvitav, et käeaukude ääred ei keerdu eriti pärast pesu (nõnda ütlesid mulle targad inimesed, et ära näe vaeva töötlemisega, linane koepind läheb sirgeks pärast pesu).
Here are some pictures. I finished it yesterday and washed and the top dried quite fast. It is true, after washing the fabric became soft and falls nicely. It is itneresting that the edges of the armholes do not roll much after washing (so I was told by wise people: don't waste energy for finishing, this is what linen does after washing).
Panin kokku mõne ehtega, mis käepärast.
I combined the top with some jewelry I have here.
Here are some pictures. I finished it yesterday and washed and the top dried quite fast. It is true, after washing the fabric became soft and falls nicely. It is itneresting that the edges of the armholes do not roll much after washing (so I was told by wise people: don't waste energy for finishing, this is what linen does after washing).
Panin kokku mõne ehtega, mis käepärast.
I combined the top with some jewelry I have here.
In the lower pictures you can see how linen fabric falls.
Kokkuvõtteks: pestes andis pisut värvi, kuid mitte oluliselt; lina kudumisega peab harjuma, aga kui tead lõnga omadusi, siis on väga kena. Kui tahta kihilist riietust, siis igasugu topid ja ürbid linast on lausa ideaalne valik. Loodetavasti leian täna pildistaja ja hiljem näidata "pärispilte".
To summarize: the colour ran a bit while washing but not too much; you have to get used to knitting linen but once you know the character of the fiber, it is very pleasent. If you want layered clothing, then all kind of linen tops and wraps is an ideal choice. Hopefully I will find someone to take modelled picutres and later show "real pictures".
esmaspäev, 16. august 2010
Eile ja täna/Yesterday and today
Kasutan võimalust, kuna internet töötab. Eile hommikul oli mul juba vestihakatis olemas.
I am using the opportunity while the interenet is functioning. Yesterday in the morning I had a "vest prototype".
Vahetasin vardad 2,5 mm vastu. Võib-olla kõige õigem oleks 2,25 mm. Aga 2-ga ringselt kududes on kude liiga tihke. Nagu maninisin kommentaaridele vastates, on kude ebaühtlane. Tavaliselt koon üsna ühtlaselt. Ilmselt see on lina omadus, mulle on öeldud, et pärast pesemist läheb korda. Aga selline pisut boheemlik väljanägemine ei tee tegelikult paha. Täna on mul niipalju olemas:
I switched to 2,5 mm needles. Maybe 2,25 would be ideal. But knitting with 2 mm needles in round I get too tight a fabric. As I mentioned in my answeres to commentaries, the sitches look uneven. Generally I knit rather evenly. Probably, this is a feature of linen; I was told that after washing it will get right. Still, this slightly bohemian look is not bad at all. This is how much I have for today:
Huvitav, kuidas silmuste arvuga 165 (ja vardad on siiski peenikesed) on see vestihakatis üsna avar minu seljas (siiski mitte ülearu suurt, et saaks öelda, et see on mitu suurust suurem kui vaja). Mõtlesin, et tahan sellist vabalt langevat asja, mitte täpselt figuuri järgivat.
It is interesting how the sitch number 165 (and the needles are rather thin) gives such a spacious vest (not too spacious to say that it is several sizes big for me though). I think I would like a freely draping garment, not something following the figure.
Selline väike muster on külgedel.
This small lace pattern is on the sides.
I am using the opportunity while the interenet is functioning. Yesterday in the morning I had a "vest prototype".
Vahetasin vardad 2,5 mm vastu. Võib-olla kõige õigem oleks 2,25 mm. Aga 2-ga ringselt kududes on kude liiga tihke. Nagu maninisin kommentaaridele vastates, on kude ebaühtlane. Tavaliselt koon üsna ühtlaselt. Ilmselt see on lina omadus, mulle on öeldud, et pärast pesemist läheb korda. Aga selline pisut boheemlik väljanägemine ei tee tegelikult paha. Täna on mul niipalju olemas:
I switched to 2,5 mm needles. Maybe 2,25 would be ideal. But knitting with 2 mm needles in round I get too tight a fabric. As I mentioned in my answeres to commentaries, the sitches look uneven. Generally I knit rather evenly. Probably, this is a feature of linen; I was told that after washing it will get right. Still, this slightly bohemian look is not bad at all. This is how much I have for today:
Huvitav, kuidas silmuste arvuga 165 (ja vardad on siiski peenikesed) on see vestihakatis üsna avar minu seljas (siiski mitte ülearu suurt, et saaks öelda, et see on mitu suurust suurem kui vaja). Mõtlesin, et tahan sellist vabalt langevat asja, mitte täpselt figuuri järgivat.
It is interesting how the sitch number 165 (and the needles are rather thin) gives such a spacious vest (not too spacious to say that it is several sizes big for me though). I think I would like a freely draping garment, not something following the figure.
Selline väike muster on külgedel.
This small lace pattern is on the sides.
laupäev, 14. august 2010
Juba tükk aega olen vaadanud Leedu lina. Nagu mainisin varem, Mezgimo zona poes on suur värvivalik. Mind innustas perenaise, Sonata kootud top. Üks on valmis ja teist koob parajasti. Lina kudumine on paras töö, sest lõng pole elastne. See konkreetne lina tahab 2 mm vardaid.
I've been looking at Lithuanian linen for some time. As mentioned earlier, there is a great colour choice in the Mezgimo zona shop. I was inspired by the top knitted by the owner, Sonata. She has knitted one and the second is being knitted now. To knit linen is a serious work because the fiber lacks elasticity. This particular type of linen requires 2 mm needles.
Igal lõngal on oma piirangud, s.o. mis mustrid kõlbavad. Mõnel lõngal on piirangud väga väiksed, mõnel jälle suuremad. Muidugi hästi kirju ja paks ebaühtlane lõng ei lubagi mingeid mustreid. Ma ei saa veel öelda, et tunnen linapiiranguid. Üks asi on selge, et talle meeldib sile pind, mis muidugi ei välista teatud mustreid. Reljeefset pinda vist ei armasta.
Every yarn has its limitation, that is, what stitch pattern are suitable for it. Some yarns has very few limitations and some have a lot of them. Of course, a multicoloured bulky uneaven yarn does not allow for stitch patterns. I cannot say I am familiar with the linen limitations. One thing is clear though that it likes smooth fabric, which of course does not exlcude some lace patterns. Probably, 3D patterns are not for linen.
Las olla alugses parempidine.
Let it be stockinette in the beginning.
I've been looking at Lithuanian linen for some time. As mentioned earlier, there is a great colour choice in the Mezgimo zona shop. I was inspired by the top knitted by the owner, Sonata. She has knitted one and the second is being knitted now. To knit linen is a serious work because the fiber lacks elasticity. This particular type of linen requires 2 mm needles.
Igal lõngal on oma piirangud, s.o. mis mustrid kõlbavad. Mõnel lõngal on piirangud väga väiksed, mõnel jälle suuremad. Muidugi hästi kirju ja paks ebaühtlane lõng ei lubagi mingeid mustreid. Ma ei saa veel öelda, et tunnen linapiiranguid. Üks asi on selge, et talle meeldib sile pind, mis muidugi ei välista teatud mustreid. Reljeefset pinda vist ei armasta.
Every yarn has its limitation, that is, what stitch pattern are suitable for it. Some yarns has very few limitations and some have a lot of them. Of course, a multicoloured bulky uneaven yarn does not allow for stitch patterns. I cannot say I am familiar with the linen limitations. One thing is clear though that it likes smooth fabric, which of course does not exlcude some lace patterns. Probably, 3D patterns are not for linen.
Las olla alugses parempidine.
Let it be stockinette in the beginning.
neljapäev, 12. august 2010
Laineseelik/Wave skirt
Täna oli taas kudumisklubi kohtumine.
Today the knitting club met again.
Aitäh kõigile, kõik uudistasid minu seelikut!
Thank you all for taking interest in my skirt!
Sonata pildistas. Niisuguse päikesega on päris raske väljas pildistada. Sees on, nagu on.
Sonata took the pictures. It is rather difficult to take pictures outside in such an intensive sunlight. Inside it is like it is.
Siiski on näha, et on päris raske demonstreerida villast seelikut, kui väljas on ligi 30 kraadi sooja!
Today the knitting club met again.
Aitäh kõigile, kõik uudistasid minu seelikut!
Thank you all for taking interest in my skirt!
Sonata pildistas. Niisuguse päikesega on päris raske väljas pildistada. Sees on, nagu on.
Sonata took the pictures. It is rather difficult to take pictures outside in such an intensive sunlight. Inside it is like it is.
Close view:
There are some interesting doors near the store.
Siiski on näha, et on päris raske demonstreerida villast seelikut, kui väljas on ligi 30 kraadi sooja!
Still you can see that it is rather difficult to demonstrate a skirt if it is some 30 degrees outside!
Lõng/Yarn: Teksrena (Stella), 60 % vill/wool, 40 % polüamiid/polyamide
Vardad/Needles: 3, 5 mm, 4 mm
Lõngakulu/Yarn used: ~2,5 tokki/skeins, 300 g
Pildid/Pictures: Sonata
Aitäh! Thank you! Ačiu labai!
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