reede, 25. detsember 2015

Lõnga on piisavalt/I have enough yarn

Lõnga on piisavalt ja võib-olla isegi jääb üle. Praeguseks on kootud juba tublisti.
There is quite enough yarn and maybe even more than needed. As of now, there is quite a bit of progress.
Nagu enne mainitud, koon mõlemas suunas. Alustamiskoht on praktiliselt märkamatu (seal on 3 rida ripskoes). Kui isegi ei oleks päris märkamatu, poleks mingit probleemi, siis on n-ö selge telg olemas ja on arusaadav, et sall on sümmeetriline.
As mentioned before, I am knitting in both directions. The beginning row is practically invisible (there are 3 rows of garter stitch there). But even if it were not, it would not pose a problem because you have a visible axis, so to say, and one sees that the scarf is symmetrical.
Ma ei tea, kas seda lõng allub pingutamisele. Võib-olla ei ole see väga oluline. Väike ja õhuline muster tekitab efekti, kui seda on palju, s.o. suur pind tundub kerge ja mahuline.
I don't know whether this yarn is blockable. Maybe this is not very important. A small and airy stitch pattern creates an effect when there is a lot of it, that is, a large surface appears light and textured.