teisipäev, 15. detsember 2015

Sall ja muud tegemised/The scarf and other things

Sall edeneb. Praegu pole eriti aru saada mustrist, aga usun, et väga tubli pingutamine aitab. Plaanin veel igasuguseid rätikuid ja salle, nagu rääkisin, tahaks eksperimenteerida kujuga, aga lõng võiks olla peenem.
The shawl is progressing. For now the stitch pattern is not very visible but I do believe that a good blocking will help. I am planning several scarves and shawls, as I mentioned earlier, I am into experimenting with shapes but with a lighter yarn.

Siin on lähipilt.
Here is a close view.
Muudest asjadest. Loodetavasti sall saab ruttu valmis ja teen õpetuse. Rohelise jaki õpetus on valmis, praegu on mul kolm testijat, uue aasta alguses alustame kooskudumist. Ilmselt saan näidata veel paar asja, mis pole seni pildistatud.
Other matters. Hopefully, I will complete this scarf quite soon and make a pattern. The pattern for the green cardi is written and is being tested by three knitters; we will start a KAL in the beginning of the new year. Probably, I will be able to show several knits that have not yet been photographed.