pühapäev, 13. detsember 2015

Otsast peale/All over again

Kudusin ja kudusin rätikut ja sain aru, et ei meeldi. Liiga tihke. Hea küll, võiks võtta jämedamad vardad. Aga põhiline probleem on kuju. Tahaks, et otsad oleksid pikemad ja keskosa mitte nii massiivne. Kui lõng on peenike, siis saaks visuaalselt hea mulje. Tean, et saab mängida kudumissuuna ja kasvatuste rütmiga, aga selle lõnga puhul loeb ka värvi jaotus ja mul on teatud eelistused. Pealegi on mul tavaliselt üsna palav ja rätik on pigem iluasi. Siis proovisin veel nii ja naa ja lõpuks sain aru, et tahan sellest lõngast lihtsa mustriga salli.
I was knitting and knitting my shawl when I realized it was not to my liking. Too dense. Well, of course I could take thicker needles. But the main problem was the shape. I would like longer ends and not so massive central section. If the yarn is thin, then it is possible to get a nice look. I am aware that it is possible to play with knitting direction and the pace of increases but colour transitions play an important role here and I have my preferences. In addition to that I am hot most of the time and a shawl is purley decorative. Then I tried different shapes and finally realized that I would like a simple shawl from this yarn.
Siin on juba pisut näha värvi üleminekut, tumehall läheb helehalliks. Vardad 5 mm. Küllap proovin erinevaid rätiku kujusid, aga peenemast lõngast (pole ammu kudunud 8/1 näiteks).
Here you can already notice a little bit of colour transition: dark grey is going light grey. Needles 5 mm. I will try out different shapes of shawls but rather from thinner yarns (for instance, I have not knitted 8/1 for a long time).