neljapäev, 1. detsember 2016

Kombineerime lõngu/Combining yarns

Tumesinine sall sai valmis. Lõpetasin just enne reisi. Teatavasti on hea reisikudum selline, mida pole vaja selga proovida jms. Tegelikult lihtne sviiter sobib ka, aga siis on hea siiski alustada kodus kiirustamata (v.a. juhtumid, kui on juba tuntud mall ja lõng). Mõtlesin, et võiks teha puuvillase jääkidest rätiku.
The dark blue scarf is done. I finished it exactly before my trip. As it is known, a good travel knit is smoething you don't have to try on. Actually, a simple sweater is good too but it is still better to start at home without hurry (except when the model and the yarn are familiar). I thought I could make a scarf from cotton leftovers.
Mul on tumehalli ja musta jämeduses 50 g/120-130 m ja peenemat musta 50 g/160-170 m. Otsustasin, et peenemale mustale läheb kaaslaseks tumehall peenvillane (Midara Haapsalu, 100 g/1400 m). Nõnda on jämedus enam-vähem sama ja saab tekitada üleminekuid.
I have dark grey and black cotton 50 g/120-130 m and black cotton in lighter weight 50 g/160-170 m. I decided to put together the thin black cotton and dark grey laceweight wool (Haapsalu by Midara, 100 g/1400 m). In this way the weight is more or less imilar and it is possible to make gradient colours.
Alustasin tumehallist, nüüd on käsil musta ja tumehalli segu. Lõpuks koon musta puuvillast.
I started with dark grey and now I have black combined with dark grey. Finally, I will turn to the black cotton.
Mall on sama, viltune kolmnurk poolpatentkoes.
The pattern is the same, biased triangle in half-brioche stitch.

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