kolmapäev, 7. detsember 2016

Plaanid ja tegelikkus/Plans and reality

Plaan oli see, et koon tütrele sviitri, mis oleks põhiliselt nagu see, ainult et tumesinine, keskel oleks mingi pseudopalmik ja külgedel väike muster. Samas, nagu ütlen alati, lõng on otsustav, lõng dikteerib. Antud juhul sokilõng ei tahtnud mingeid mustreid. Poolpatent, patent, ripsiga poolpatent jms sobib väga kenasti, aga mitte midagi muud. Otsustasime, et las olla siis sama, nagu hall, aga tumesinine. Küllap saab teisest lõngast teha ka mustriga.
The plan was to make for my daughter a sweter that would be basically like this one but dark blue with a mock-cable panel in the middle and narrow patterns on the sides. Still, as I always tend to say, the yarn is decisive, the yarn dictaes everything. In this case the sockyarn did not want any patterns. Half-biroche, brioche, half-brioche with gater stitch etc are suitable but not much else. We decided that this sweater would be like the grey one, only that it is dark blue. Sure I can make another one with patterns from a different yarn.

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