Roheline sall on ka valmis. Huvitav, et see venis pärast nisutust pikkusesse, sinine aga mitte. Sama lõng, sama tihedus, sama muster, sama varda number. Ainult erinevad värvid. Jil (G-B Wolle) on vist selline ettearvamatu lõng, kududa on meeldiv, aga kuidas pärast käitub, pole teada, olen seda ka varem kuulnud.
The green scarf is finished. Interestingly, after moistening it stretched in the length, whereas the blue one did not. Same yarn, same gauge, same pattern, same needles. Only the colours are different. Probably, Jil (G-B Wolle) is an unpredictable yarn, it is pleasant to knit but there is no way to know how it behaves later on; I've heard this before.
Kuna roheline oli liiga pikk, harutasin ära umbes toki jagu (50 g/125 m). Huvitav oleks proovida ka õhulisemast lõngast jämedama vardaga.
Because the green scarf was too long, I had to rip the amont of approximately one ball (50 g/125 m). It would be nice to try the pattern in a more airy yarn with larger needes.
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